Vitamin B12 Injections

Vitamin B12 Injections

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Vitamin B12 Injections

If you are feeling tired and run down all the time, suffering from unexplained aches and pains and continually falling victim to colds and other infections, then you may have a vitamin B12 deficiency.

B12 is an essential vitamin that you can become deficient in, particularly if you follow a restricted or special diet, if you’re pregnant or breast feeding, if you suffer from certain health conditions or if you are over a certain age. Heavy smokers and drinkers can also have low levels of B12.

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What are Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is an essential vitamin that your body needs but cannot produce. It’s found naturally in animal products, but also added to certain foods and is available as an oral supplement or injection.

Vitamin B12 has many roles in the body. B12 is particularly important for cell growth in the central nervous system (CNS) and is therefore essential for the normal function of your nerve cells. Vitamin B12 is also needed for red blood cell formation and DNA synthesis.

Vitamin B12 supplementation can also enhance wellbeing and physical health. As B12 plays an essential role in enhancing the metabolic function of the cells, this nutrient can boost energy release, improve memory and help prevent heart disease.

Why are vitamin B12 injections so important today?

The majority of B12 deficient people EAT plentiful amounts of food containing B12, but their bodies can’t absorb or use it. Given the enormous increase of digestive issues and daily stressors (alcohol, environmental pollutants, aging) it’s no wonder so many of us are low on this beneficial vitamin. Other than from our diet, B12 can be obtained through B12 injections. B12 is safe for pregnant women and anyone receiving chemotherapy and radiation.


1 ml


Price: £30

What foods are B12 found in?

Large amounts are found in liver, beef, salmon, trout, tuna, and clams. Smaller amounts are available in eggs, yogurt, cheese, and cereal products fortified with B12.

What are the benefits of Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 enhances the metabolic function of the cells helping to boost energy release and support overall wellbeing.

There are multiple benefits of B12 on physical & mental health as well as emotional wellbeing:


reducing tiredness & fatigue


to support optimum physical health


helping to support fat burning & weight loss


reducing stress & emotional instability

What are the symptoms and causes of B12 deficiency?

The following symptoms may be experienced if you are anaemic, and they are due to the reduced oxygen levels in your body:

  • Lethargy
  • Feeling faint
  • Tiredness
  • Breathlessness

There are some less common symptoms, including:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Altered taste
  • Palpitations
  • Headaches
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Pale skin

One of the main causes is the autoimmune condition pernicious anaemia. Other causes are conditions affecting the stomach or small intestine, such as Crohn’s disease, operations such as gastrostomies (which involve removal of part of the stomach), and certain medications. Researchers have also identified a gene variation linked to B12 deficiency. Long-term deficiency can lead to serious heart and neurological problems.


Why do i need vitamin B12?

B12 is involved in producing red blood cells, maintaining a healthy nervous system, and converting food to energy. It also helps to regulate the immune system and mood, and control levels of the amino acid homocysteine, elevated levels of which are associated with heart disease. Most people who eat meat, fish, eggs and dairy products get enough B12. Vegans are advised to eat fortified food and take supplements.

Who is most likely to have low B12 levels?

Vegetarians, vegans, elders, people who drink alcohol, people who have digestive issues and who are taking certain medications.

How much B12 do I need?

The UK government says adults need 1.5 micrograms (mcg) a day and the European Food Safety Authority says 4mcg a day is adequate. The US and Europe, but not the UK, recommend higher levels for pregnant and breastfeeding women. A study published last year found one in 12 women aged between 19 and 39 were B12 deficient, despite consuming at least the UK recommended minimum intake.

If you take daily B12 supplements are B12 injections still beneficial?

Injections bypass the digestive tract and, as a result, the vitamin B12 has a more direct route to the cells and can be more readily metabolised. You will feel the benefit more quickly.

Are there side effects from vitamin B12 injections?

Slight bruising and or soreness at the injection site can occur. There are no known toxic effects when administered at appropriate levels. Allergic reactions can occur with any intramuscular injections.

Does the injection hurt?

You’d struggle to describe an injection as a pleasant experience, but it certainly shouldn’t hurt. There may be a slight sting, as with the flu jab or a travel vaccine. If you follow the advice and keep your arm relaxed, dangling on the outside of your hip, this will make it far less likely to hurt. Relaxing your arm helps because the muscle fibres will also be relaxed and this makes it a much easier and comfortable injection.

Should i do anything in particular before i have my injection?

Not really, but it’s always a good idea to have had your breakfast; it is after all the most important meal of the day for many good reasons. So long as your blood sugar is stable and you’re well hydrated you will be set to go.

How long does it take?

The injection itself takes no more than a few moments, but the we will need to do a small amount of preparation beforehand. To save time it’s a good idea to wear a loose-fitting top, or clothing that gives plenty of access to the top of your arm. After the injection we will ask you to stay in the salon for up to 10 minutes. This is a precautionary measure after any injection treatments.

How often can i have a B12 injection?

We limit the rate at which you can have a B12 injection to every 28 days. This is not because it is unsafe to have one more often than this, but that it is more in line with the normal dosing regimens for treating people with deficiencies. We advise having an injection as often as you feel you need one, whether this be on a monthly basis or twice a year or ask your doctor if you are not sure.

How long before i feel the benefits?

This will vary amongst people of different ages and circumstances. It may be a couple of days before you notice, or it could be sooner. Sometimes people don’t notice an immediate benefit, but rather realise a few weeks later that they are starting to feel as they were before the injection.

How long will the benefits last?

This will vary amongst people of different ages and circumstances. Ultimately the amount of benefit you experience and how long this last will determine how often you feel inclined to have a B12 injection.

How likely is it that something could go wrong?

It’s highly unlikely that something could go wrong as a result of a B12 injection. For your reassurance, we have a prescribing partner licensed in UK medicine. We only allow specially trained and experienced aesthetics to administer the injection to you. 

Can i still have other multivitamins?

Yes, we do suggest that you regularly take a reputable multivitamin whilst having your B12 injections. Vitamin B12 is one of several vitamins that has a pivotal role in the body, so it’s important that through diet and supplementation we help our bodies to become rich in all of these vitamins.

How Often Can I Have Vitamin B12 Injection?

Consult your doctor for your requirements.

What Is Strength Of B12 Injection?

1000 mcg/1ml

Book An Appointment

To book a Vitamin B12 Injection Consultation, please contact us today.

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