Regenera Activa AMT® Hair Growth (Stem Cell Treatment)

Regenera Activa AMT® Hair Growth (Stem Cell Treatment)

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Stem Cell Treatment For Hair Loss

The purpose of this treatment is to stimulate the  growth of hair, thicken hair, reduce hair loss and boost the regenerative process.

This treatment is used primarily in people in the earlier stages of balding.

It can be used as preparation for hair transplant surgery.It is also being used during the hair transplant procedure with some hair transplant surgeons  if done early enough.   It can also be considered if PRP has not been successful. 

The concept is similar to PRP except that that growth factors are from the scalp rather than the blood, so they are more specific.

Just like PRP, the procedure includes injecting the growth factors into the skin of the scalp.  There are no chemical, no enzymes – just mechanical disaggregation.  It is a procedure that takes around 30 minutes in a single session.  The Regenera device is a patented medical device which is CE Marked.

When used for the scalp, this treatment aims to halt the process of androgenetic alopecia or hair loss and revitalise the existing hair follicles into generating new hair, using the healing power of an individual’s own cells. These are called progenitor cells – which can be pushed to differentiate into their “target” cells. This characteristic makes it possible for them to turn into active follicular cells.

Progenitor cells, stem cell precursors and growth factors that have regenerative abilities are isolated from the sampled tissue and introduced to the target areas of the scalp, initiating the repair process through regeneration of hair follicles.

Regenera Activa Stem Cell Hair Treatment

The purpose of this treatment is to stimulate the  growth of hair, thicken hair, reduce hair loss and boost the regenerative process.

This treatment is used primarily in people in the earlier stages of balding.

It can be used as preparation for hair transplant surgery.It is also being used during the hair transplant procedure with some hair transplant surgeons  if done early enough.   It can also be considered if PRP has not been successful. 

Regenera Activa Treament Price

Introductory Offer

Total cost for treament. (Pleasenote, this reduced price is only an introductory offer).

Price: £1475

This is deducted from your treatment.

In your initial consultation we will discuss your desired results with you and advise accordingly.

Price: £250

What changes should be expected in the hair after treatment?

 After a treatment the changes are:

  • Increase in hair diameter (seen more in the frontal area than at the crown)
  • A decrease in hair loss in 6 weeks
  • Increasing thickness of hair at 3 months, 6 months and then a year
This procedure is only undertaken once a full diagnostic hair loss consultation has taken place.  As with any cosmetic procedure, results will vary. 

What needs to be done before the procedure?

  • Do not drink alcohol 48 hours before the REGENERA treatment.
  • Avoid taking Aspirin or anti-inflammatories for 3 days before the treatment.
  • If prone to bruising it is recommended that Arnica tablets are taken 7 days prior to treatment.
  • You should drink plenty of water to maintain hydration.
  • Eat some solid food before the appointment. 

What should be expected after the procedure?

  • After the REGENERA treatment, you can expect to be sore. Soreness is typical and will resolve itself after 24 – 48 hours. After few days also redness, burning, itching and swelling will probably be gone.
  • Do not wash your head for 24 hours.
  • Do not drink alcohol 48 hours after the treatment.
  • You should refrain from exercise or any strenuous activity for 48 hours (up to one week is ideal). Exercise will cause you to sweat and excrete the solution out of the pores of the skin, which will decrease the effectiveness of the treatment. After this period, exercise is recommended to circulate the products.
  • Do not wash or take a shower for at least 8 hours after treatment. Do not take hot baths for 48 hours after treatment.
  • Sun exposure must be avoided for 48 hours after the treatment and until bruising subsides. If it is necessary to go into the sun, use SPF 30 plus at all times.
  • You can use Arnica gel or cream to help with the bruising.
  • You should drink plenty of water to maintain hydration, as some fluid is lost in the fat after treatment. This can sometimes make you feel dizzy or faint.
  • A low carbohydrate, low sugar, natural healthy eating programme should be followed.

Are there any risks associate with the treatment?

The procedure has no complications if performed under sterile conditions and strictly complies with the protocol, since it is an autologous (tissue from the same patient) and homologous (tissue from the same embryonical origin) micrografting procedure. AMT® stands out for being a minimally invasive and fast procedure that takes no more than 30 minutes to perform. 

How long is the recovery time?

One of the main advantages of the AMT® procedure is its low invasiveness, which allows a quick recovery in about 24-48 hours, during which the patient is not allowed to wet the donor area. 

How is this treatment different to PRP?

With the AMT® procedure, we obtain a micrograft solution that comes from skin biopsies that have the same embryological origin as the receptor site (homologous), meaning that the pathways activated with this procedure are much more specific than in a PRP treatment. Moreover, unlike PRP, the AMT® procedure generates a solution which contains not only growth factors, but also progenitor cells that remain in the patient’s scalp. Those cells will be continuously delivering cytokines, chemokines and growth factors to enhance regenerative properties of the affected area, for years. As a result, the healing will be much more efficient, and the results will be better and last longer.

Why should it be considered instead of PRP for hair loss?

Like PRP, the person is both a donor and a recipient of tissue.  It is a minimally invasive procedure.

Advantages of Regenera Activa:

  • Specific rather than general growth factors
  • Same embryonic origin of the receptor tissue (scalp tissue rather than blood)
  • New blood vessel formation (Neovascularization) rather than increasing the blood vessel diameter
  • Single treatment repeated at 6-8 weeks if needed then annually if needed.
This treatment is being used regularly in mainland Europe instead of  or and as an adjunct to hair transplant procedures.

Book An Appointment

To book a Regenera Activa Consultation, please contact us today.

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